Acupuncture affects fascia, it affects our connective tissue and in real time, the insertion of the acupuncture needle changes which parts of our brain light up so, it’s changing the way our brain reacts.
There are several symptoms of menopause that acupuncture may help with, including:
Hot flashes
night sweats
mood swings
vaginal dryness
Hot flashes and night sweats
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is rooted in yin and yang theory, the idea that all things are composed of two opposite forces. When those forces are in balance, says TCM, the body is healthy.
“Whenever a woman has hot flashes, one of the things we’re assessing is what is the relationship of the yin and yang in her kidneys, and how can we support that,” says Mager. “We want the kidneys to be well-nourished.”
Mager says that acupuncture can help treat the hormonal imbalance causing heat to rise in the body. Along with acupuncture, she advises patients to eat a healthy diet and stay hydrated.
During my treatment, my acupuncturist helped me identify things in my diet, such as soy, that could contribute to hormonal fluctuations in my body.
The American College of Physicians recommends acupuncture for those managing lower back pain. Using acupuncture needles at pressure points in the body can stimulate the central nervous system, causing it to release pain-relieving chemicals, such endorphins. These can help alleviate aches associated with menopause.
Mood swings and anxiety
Researchers found that acupuncture can alter neurotransmitters in the brain to alleviate conditions such as anxiety and nervousness, improving overall mood.
This is what many research participants have said: Acupuncture gave me the peace and relaxation I’d struggled to find. During my sessions, my muscles relaxed and my thoughts stopped racing.
By the end of each session, I’d feel as though I’d awakened from a really good nap: relaxed, refreshed, and just slightly dazed.
One study on cognitive behavioral therapy and acupuncture for insomnia found that, while CBT was more effective, acupuncture still showed clinically significant results.
The three yin intersection, a pressure point just above the inner ankle, plays an important role. In addition to receiving needle treatment at this spot, soaking your feet at home can help improve sleep.
There are small things that can make a big change, and a simple thing we can do is soaking feet in hot water with Epsom salt up to the three yin intersection, when you relax your Achilles tendon, you’re automatically relaxing your neck and cervical spine. I have patients do it before bed so they have better sleep.
Acupuncture may help increase blood flow and lower blood pressure in your body, which can reduce fatigue-inducing stress on muscles like the heart.
A study found that acupuncture was effective at reducing cancer-related fatigue, and another study in the same year found that acupuncture and moxibustion were effective at treating chronic fatigue syndrome.
Vaginal dryness
Hormonal imbalances during menopause can reduce the natural fluid production in the vagina, leading to dryness and pain during sex.
Needles inserted in acupuncture points can sometimes help stimulate the release of neurochemicals that can counteract imbalances.
We use acupuncture to help bring balance into the system, shifting those patterns shifts hormonal imbalances, and patients who tend to have dry vaginas from menopause notice they’re feeling more fluid in their body and sex isn’t painful.”