Acupuncture for pain relieF & chronic conditions
The World Health Organization (WHO) published an official report listing 31 symptoms, conditions and diseases that have been shown in controlled trials to be treated effectively by Acupuncture:
1. Pain Management:
Low back pain/ Neck pain/ Sciatica/ Tennis elbow/ Knee pain/ Peri-arthritis of the shoulder/ Sprains/ Facial pain/ TMJ/ Headache/ Dental pain/ Postoperative pain/ Rheumatoid arthritis.
2. Fertility Support:
Induction of labor/ Breech birth presentation/ Morning sickness/ Nausea and vomiting/ Primary dysmenorrhea.
3. Internal Medicine:
Stroke/ Essential hypertension/ Primary hypotension/ Renal colic/ Leucopenia/ Acute & chronic gastritis/ Biliary colic/ Acute bacillary dysentery/ Acute epigastralgia/ Peptic ulcer.
4. General Health:
Radiation/chemo reactions/ Allergic rhinitis/Hay fever/ Depression/ Weight Management.
The leading cause of back pain is soft tissue damage – muscle strains due to overexertion and improper movement.
Acupuncture is extremely effective treating back pain since it increases blood flow to the injured site, balances tight muscles, reduces inflammation, and relieves pain. Studies have shown that acupuncture is more effective at treating back pain than conventional methods of treatment. There is no need to live your life with chronic back pain.
Migraines can be as unique as the patient. As acupuncturists and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioners, we assess the overall presentation looking to discern the pathomechanism behind the migraine and seek out the root cause. Are the migraines exacerbated by changing weather conditions? Fluctuations in the menstrual cycle? Certain foods? Stress? Muscle tension? There are many possibilities and it is our job to explore these options.
Chronic Neck Pain
Acupuncture is very effective at loosening these tight muscles, increasing blood flow to the area, and decreasing pain and inflammation.
Shoulder Pain
The shoulder joint is a very complex joint capable of a wide range of movement. As versatile as this area is, it can easily become unstable and prone to injury. From rotator cuff strains to tendinitis, shoulder pain can greatly interfere with activities of daily life. Acupuncture is very useful for balancing tight muscles, decreasing inflammation, increasing blood flow, and decreasing pain.
Sciatica and Piriformis syndrome have very similar symptoms. They involve tingling, numbness and pain throughout the back of the thigh and legs, but are caused by two different problems.
True sciatica is a result of an impingement of the sciatic nerve at the site of the disc. This is a structural issue and may be due to a herniated disc or spinal degeneration. Acupuncture can help to reduce inflammation around the disc and restore proper function of the nerve.
Piriformis syndrome is caused by tight muscles around the back of your hip and butt area that are affecting the nerves.
Acupuncture helps to loosening up those tight muscles and restoring proper function to the area.
This condition causes pain on the foot due to inflammation or microtrauma in the connective tissue along the bottom of the foot. It is typically caused by chronic overuse leading to microtears in the fascia. Pain is typically worse upon getting out of bed as the calf muscles tighten overnight, creating more strain along the plantar fascia. Acupuncture reaches the foot area deeper within the foot that seems untouchable by other methods. It can reduce inflammation, decrease pain, and encourage healing.
Acupuncture improves recovery time, reduces inflammation, releases tight muscles, and treats/prevents athletic injuries. This treatment is wonderful compliment to anyone’s training.
Acupuncture helps by:
increasing blood flow to soft tissue and improve healing time
reducing pain and inflammation
Combining traditional acupuncture points with modern motor point therapy to correct muscular imbalances
improving energy and sleep patterns to allow you to function at optimal potential
relaxation to control stress hormones that may blunt training